Classes and Support Groups

Support Group Descriptions

Support Groups focus on the parents’ health and wellbeing.

Meets Most Mondays, 5:00pm – 6:30pm at Tandem

Meets Most Thursdays, 12:00pm – 1:00pm virtually

Registration Required

How do we take care of ourselves when we’re responsible 24 hours a day for someone else (or multiple someones)? It’s hard for everyone – and even harder when we’re also experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges. You’re invited to join whether this is your first baby or you’ve done this before. You’re invited if you’re pregnant and curious about postpartum mental health, or if you’ve already had your baby and you need support and information. You’re invited if you have a history of depression or anxiety and are worried about how postpartum will go for you. You’re invited if you’re struggling, or if you just want to know more about boosting your mental health in pregnancy and postpartum.

Facilitator Molly Mendota has worked in the field of childbirth education and support for 20 years, is trained in perinatal mood and anxiety support, and is currently working towards licensure as a social worker. This group will provide peer support, psychoeducation, and mental health information and resources. It is not a therapy group, but is a good supplement to individual therapy. After you register, Molly will contact you for a brief phone conversation before your first group session to get a sense of your goals and needs.

The group meets weekly on most Mondays, in-person at Tandem, and most Thursdays virtually. You may come to one session or for as many as you like. Guest speakers will occasionally join the group. This group is 100% free for all.

Meets Every Other Wednesday 4:30pm – 6:00pm at Tandem

No Registration Required

Parenthood is a journey that doesn’t just affect the person who gave birth. Facilitated by Te Silva, come join the group that focuses on dads and partners of all genders who didn’t give birth. Meet other people in the same situation as you, make friends, and have camaraderie with one another. 

Every other Wednesday 4:30-6:30pm at Tandem

No Registration Required

Find connection with other parents in the trenches of toddlerhood.  Facilitated by Tandem Volunteer, Tara Green.

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of Every Month from 5:30-6:30pm

No Registration Required

This monthly group is intended for families seeking support and connection in the Queer Community.  Whether you are trying-to-conceive, expecting, newly postpartum, or parenting older children, this group is for all family structures. 

Tandem will provide snacks (feel free to bring more, potluck-style).  Crafting encouraged!

Meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 12:30-2pm at Tandem

Free, No Registration Required

Becoming a parent is one of life’s biggest transitions. Whether it’s your first child or you’re a seasoned parent, bringing home a new member to your family is full of ups and downs and a steady stream of changes to your lifestyle and family dynamics. Join us for an opportunity to sit down with other parents and soon to be parents to discuss, laugh, and commiserate over the experience of caring for baby.

Intended for pregnancy through the first year postpartum. Birthing parent, partner, and baby are all welcome. A variety of topics will be discussed: changes to your identity, sleep, feeding, relationships, siblings, self-care, and much more. Facilitated by postpartum doula, Margo Brennan.

Upcoming Group Times

Baby Classes and Groups

Baby Classes and Groups focus on infant and child development and connecting families of similarly aged children.

Meets Wednesdays from 11:00am-12:30pm at Tandem

Free, No Registration Required

For babies and toddlers, siblings welcome.

Tandem Volunteer, Tara Green will guide you through activities to connect with your baby and support their development.  Lots of singing and giggling!

Meets Third Fridays of the Month 1:30pm -2:30pm at Monroe County Public Library on Kirkwood

No Registration Required

No Registration Required

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month 10:30am-11:30am 

Join us for all things baby wearing.

Lending library of wraps, slings, structured carriers, and backpacks is open during this time for 1-month check outs.

Meets 3rd Tuesdays, 10am-11am

No Registration Required

TummyTime™ with your baby offered in partnership with Kari Cantrell from Bloomington Birth and Bodywork

See calendar for current schedule.  Come to learn about cloth diapering and take home starter diaper sets.

Upcoming Group Times

Childbirth Education

Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Education

This Course Includes...
  • Mentorship from an experienced Evidence Based Birth® Instructor

  • Six classes (virtual options!) with your EBB Instructor and classmates to prepare for the labor process and practice your labor skills

  • Five weeks of online videos for you and your partner(s) to watch together (with closed captions in English and Spanish!)

  • In-depth, spiral-bound workbook in physical or digital format (your choice!)

  • BONUS: Breastfeeding/chestfeeding and newborn care videos

  • BONUS: Earn points throughout the class to get prizes at the end!

Check out our calendar for more events and programs


Tandem Community Care is Tandem’s Comprehensive Perinatal Education and Support Group Program

Routine prenatal care is important. But sometimes it feels like something is missing, or rather, it’s missing something: the rest of YOU!

Community Care classes will allow you to connect with others and empower you as you receive care during and after your pregnancy.

Tandem Community Care is for everyone regardless of where or how you choose to give birth.

Classes and Events

Tandem offers childbirth education, lactation education, postpartum planning, baby basics and more. We have instructors with a wide variety of certifications, including from Evidence Based Birth®, Spinning Babies®, TummyTime™, and more!

Join us to discuss labor and birth! This course will focus on a normal, physiologic process. Designed for those planning to birth a baby and those supporting them. Open to everyone regardless of where or how they are planning to birth.

Registration Required

Join us to discuss labor and birth! This course will focus on an in-depth discussion of the various methods of intervention that can be involved during the labor process.Designed for those planning to birth a baby and those supporting them. Open to everyone regardless of where or how they are planning to birth.

Registration Required

Having an understanding of what happens in the body and mind during labor and birth can provide confidence and reassurance and decrease stress for this major life event. Learning about the labor process doesn’t have to be stressful, this can be fun and engaging! Often, people avoid childbirth education, assuming they will learn as they are in labor. This can be much harder to process, as labor changes how our brains work and process information in real-time! Join us for a class about uncomplicated labor and birth. This session will cover what to look for to know when labor starts, when to call your provider, what changes will occur as labor advances, and what happens immediately after birth. Look for our next courses to cover things like induction, epidurals, water birth, cesareans, and labor support! 

Registration Required

Intro to lactation and feeding for the fourth trimester.Want to learn about human lactation? This introduction to breast/chest feeding will orient you to how human lactation works in the early weeks.
Designed for those planning to feed new babies and those supporting them.

Registration Required